The Benefits of Global Asset Tracking Software in Pharma
The Benefits of Global Asset Tracking Software in Pharma
If your business depends on an international network, full visibility into all equipment and processes is essential. Use-logs are the GMP record for equipment use and management and are 100% paper-based. An equipment’s journey around the world can include a number of 3rd party CMOs and locations, which makes tracking an equipment’s physical location a challenge. Global asset management software enables instant asset status and tracking for your entire inventory.
Whether your organization spans continents, or you engage in outsourcing production operations, maintaining real-time equipment visibility is critical. In such a complex network, assets will pass through several parties, internal or external, and potentially around the world.
The problem with paper
Simply put, paper gets damaged. It’s easy to tear and prone to smudging, rendering the information illegible and sometimes even useless. As assets travel the globe with a single paper tracking use-log, they pass through many hands, introducing added risk.
Is it wise for such an important document to be left so vulnerable to mishandling? Do you have the resources available to carry out discrepancy management on a regular or ad-hoc basis?
Provided paper logs are filled out correctly and no key information is omitted, paper-based systems must be compliant. But this is easier said than done, especially when hundred’s, if not thousands of equipment units travel through your network. But there is an element of mystery once equipment leaves your possession that is both unwise and unnecessary in the modern workplace.
Equally, even when you have the asset and the fully completed paper log onsite, there is no facility to search or scan the information held across multiple logs with common characteristics. Instead, any information or data must be extracted manually. This can require weeks of work and months of man-hours. And the information supplied is prone to error.
Fortunately, there is a simple way to eliminate the risk of damage to paper records for global asset tracking – go paperless.
Handwriting varies
12% – 25% of paper logs include errors or omissions. Think about that for a moment. It’s perfectly normal for up to a quarter of all paper-based logs to have illegible or missing information. In a highly regulated industry like pharma, this simply cannot be allowed to happen.
Global asset tracking software eliminates the pain points of paper, while giving instant access to all digital records to authorized users. Asset status and tracking information is available in real-time. Thus, eliminating the need for manual investigations, often requiring weeks of effort.
OpsTrakker Solution for Global Asset Tracking
OpsTrakker provides a suite of pharmaceutical software solutions, including global asset tracking and status management software, to build compliance into modern pharmaceutical manufacturing.
In an environment in which simple data input errors can be extremely costly and make the difference between getting a product to market or compromising an entire batch, global asset software puts you in control of all your assets wherever they are in the world.
–Track equipment (i.e., portable tanks) globally across your network and CMOs.
–No need to shop paper logs with tanks and never lose or damage paper again.
–Enforce compliance by eliminating missing entries and misaligned data.
–Detect and resolve discrepant situations in real-time.
–Real-time location and status tracking with immediate access to tank history.
Non-English speakers can struggle with paper-based forms
One of the great benefits of a global footprint is international collaboration. However, such a network opens risks due to language and communication differences. If you’re using paper-based records written in English, you are reliant on a rigid system, only catered to a specific user group and skill-set.
OpsTrakker global asset management software is configurable for user-specific language settings for non-English speakers to ensure each user completes the digital log accurately and timely.
About OpsTrakker
OpsTrakker eliminates paper to help you achieve Right-First Time execution, every time. Our global asset management solutions were developed with our 25 years of industry experience being combined with the latest technological advances.